
The Role of VPAT in Meeting Accessibility Compliance for Government Contracts

In an increasingly digital world, ensuring that products and services are accessible to everyone, including those with disabilities, has become a priority for many organizations. This is especially true for companies seeking to secure government contracts. A key component in this process is the Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT), which plays a crucial role in demonstrating compliance with accessibility standards. This article will explore the significance of VPAT in meeting accessibility compliance for government contracts and how it aligns with federal requirements and guidelines, such as the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG).

What is a VPAT?

The Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT) is a document used by vendors to provide detailed information about how their products or services conform to accessibility standards. Originally developed by the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA), the VPAT helps organizations evaluate and communicate the accessibility features of their offerings. This documentation is vital for companies looking to do business with government agencies, as it demonstrates a commitment to accessibility and compliance with federal regulations.

Why VPAT is Crucial for Government Contracts

When bidding on government contracts, especially those that involve technology or digital services, companies must meet specific accessibility requirements. These requirements are designed to ensure that all individuals, regardless of their abilities, have equal access to government services and information. VPAT serves as a key tool in this process for several reasons:

  1. Compliance with Federal Standards: Government agencies are required to adhere to federal accessibility standards, including Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act. Section 508 mandates that electronic and information technology developed, procured, or maintained by federal agencies must be accessible to individuals with disabilities. By providing a VPAT, vendors can clearly demonstrate how their products meet these standards.
  2. Transparency and Accountability: VPATs offer a transparent view of how well a product aligns with accessibility guidelines. This transparency helps government agencies make informed decisions about which products or services best meet their accessibility needs. It also holds vendors accountable for their accessibility claims, fostering a culture of openness and responsibility.
  3. Competitive Advantage: For many companies, having a VPAT can be a competitive advantage. Government contracts often favor vendors that can prove their commitment to accessibility, as this aligns with the federal mandate for inclusivity. A well-prepared VPAT can set a company apart from competitors and increase its chances of winning contracts.

How VPAT Helps Meet Accessibility Requirements

The VPAT provides a structured way for vendors to evaluate their products against accessibility standards. It includes several sections that address different aspects of accessibility, including:

  1. Section 508 Compliance: This section of the VPAT requires vendors to detail how their product meets the requirements of Section 508. Vendors must assess their product against specific criteria, such as text alternatives for non-text content and keyboard accessibility, and provide detailed responses.
  2. WCAG Compliance: The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) are a set of guidelines developed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) to ensure web content is accessible to people with disabilities. The VPAT includes a section for vendors to describe how their product aligns with WCAG standards, which are essential for web-based products and services. Compliance with WCAG ensures that digital content is perceivable, operable, understandable, and robust for all users.
  3. Additional Accessibility Standards: Beyond Section 508 and WCAG, the VPAT may also address other accessibility standards relevant to the product or service in question. This comprehensive approach ensures that all potential accessibility issues are covered.

Best Practices for Completing a VPAT

Creating a VPAT that accurately reflects a product’s accessibility requires careful attention and adherence to best practices. Here are some tips for completing a VPAT effectively:

  1. Conduct a Thorough Accessibility Audit: Before filling out the VPAT, conduct a comprehensive accessibility audit of your product. This may involve using automated tools, manual testing, and user feedback to identify and address accessibility issues. A thorough audit ensures that the information provided in the VPAT is accurate and reliable.
  2. Be Honest and Detailed: When filling out the VPAT, provide honest and detailed responses. If your product does not fully meet certain accessibility criteria, acknowledge these gaps and explain any plans for remediation. Transparency is crucial for building trust with government agencies and potential users.
  3. Stay Updated: Accessibility standards and guidelines evolve over time. Stay informed about changes to Section 508, WCAG, and other relevant standards to ensure that your VPAT remains current and accurate.
  4. Engage Accessibility Experts: Consider involving accessibility experts in the VPAT creation process. These professionals can provide valuable insights and help ensure that your product meets all necessary accessibility standards.

Challenges and Solutions

While the VPAT is an invaluable tool for demonstrating accessibility compliance, it is not without its challenges. Some common challenges and potential solutions include:

  1. Complex Products: For products with multiple components or features, completing the VPAT can be complex. To manage this, break down the assessment into smaller sections and address each component individually. This approach helps ensure that all aspects of the product are covered.
  2. Changing Standards: Accessibility standards can change, and keeping up with these changes can be challenging. Regularly review and update your VPAT to reflect any new standards or guidelines. Consider establishing a process for periodic review and revision of your accessibility documentation.
  3. Balancing Accuracy and Transparency: Striking a balance between providing accurate information and maintaining transparency can be challenging. Focus on providing a clear and honest assessment of your product’s accessibility features, and be transparent about any limitations or areas for improvement.


The Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT) is a vital tool for organizations seeking government contracts, as it provides a clear and structured way to demonstrate compliance with accessibility standards. By aligning with federal requirements, such as Section 508 and the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), and following best practices for completing a VPAT, vendors can enhance their chances of securing government contracts and contribute to a more inclusive digital environment. Embracing the VPAT not only helps meet legal obligations but also reflects a commitment to accessibility and inclusivity, which is increasingly valued by government agencies and users alike.

We Offer Web & Mobile Accessibility Testing

We at ‘Accessible Zone‘ provide web, mobile and software accessibility testing services. We perform testing manually using screen reader such as JAWS, NVDA & Voiceovers. We also provide VPAT and ACR reports. If you want to use our services do contact us as at or you can also schedule a free call with us from here.

How to Create an Effective VPAT: A Step-by-Step Guide

Creating a Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT) is essential for demonstrating how a product or service complies with accessibility standards. This document is crucial for organizations aiming to ensure their digital tools meet guidelines such as the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) and legal requirements like Section 508. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the process of creating an effective VPAT, offering tips and best practices to ensure accuracy and completeness.

Step 1: Understand the VPAT Framework

Before you begin drafting your VPAT, it’s important to understand the framework and what it entails. The VPAT is designed to provide a comprehensive overview of how your product meets specific accessibility standards. These typically include:

  • WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines): These guidelines are developed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and cover various aspects of web accessibility, including text alternatives, adaptable content, and navigability.
  • Section 508: A U.S. federal law that requires federal agencies to make electronic and information technology accessible to people with disabilities.
  • EN 301 549: A European standard that aligns with WCAG and Section 508 but is tailored to the accessibility requirements of the European Union.

Each of these standards has specific criteria that your VPAT must address. Familiarize yourself with these guidelines to ensure that your VPAT is thorough and accurate.

Step 2: Gather Information

Collect all relevant information about your product or service. This includes:

  • Product Specifications: Understand the features and functionalities of your product.
  • Accessibility Features: Document any built-in accessibility features, such as screen reader compatibility or keyboard navigation.
  • Known Issues: Identify any known accessibility issues or limitations.

Consult with your development team, quality assurance specialists, and accessibility experts to ensure you have a complete understanding of your product’s accessibility aspects.

Step 3: Fill Out the VPAT Template

The VPAT template typically includes sections for various accessibility standards. Here’s how to approach each section:

  1. Introduction: Provide a brief overview of your product and its purpose. Include information about the version of the VPAT you are using and the date of completion.
  2. WCAG Compliance:
  • Perceivable: Describe how your product ensures that information and user interface components are presented in ways that users can perceive, including text alternatives for non-text content and adaptable layouts.
  • Operable: Detail how your product allows users to operate the interface, including keyboard accessibility and sufficient time to read and use content.
  • Understandable: Explain how your product supports readability and predictability, including clear and consistent navigation and error prevention.
  • Robust: Indicate how your product is compatible with current and future user agents, including assistive technologies.
  1. Section 508 Compliance: Address each criterion outlined in Section 508. For each criterion, describe whether your product meets, partially meets, or does not meet the standard, and provide a detailed explanation.
  2. EN 301 549 Compliance: Similar to the other sections, describe how your product aligns with the EN 301 549 standard, focusing on aspects that might be specific to the European market.

Step 4: Provide Detailed Explanations

For each accessibility criterion, offer a clear and detailed explanation. If a criterion is not met or only partially met, provide context and information about any workarounds or future plans to address these issues. Transparency is key; being honest about limitations builds trust and helps users understand how they can effectively use your product.

Step 5: Review and Validate

Accuracy is crucial when creating a VPAT. Review the document thoroughly to ensure that all information is correct and up-to-date. It is advisable to:

  • Conduct Internal Reviews: Have team members from different departments review the VPAT to catch any errors or omissions.
  • Consult Accessibility Experts: Engage accessibility consultants to validate the document and provide additional insights or corrections.
  • Test the Product: Perform accessibility testing to verify the claims made in the VPAT and ensure that the product’s features align with the described accessibility standards.

Step 6: Update Regularly

The digital landscape and accessibility standards are continuously evolving. To keep your VPAT relevant:

  • Update Regularly: Revise the VPAT whenever there are significant changes to your product or updates to accessibility standards.
  • Monitor Standards: Stay informed about updates to WCAG, Section 508, and other relevant guidelines. Adjust your VPAT as needed to reflect these changes.

Best Practices for Creating an Effective VPAT

  1. Be Thorough and Honest: Provide complete and honest information about your product’s accessibility features and limitations. This fosters trust and ensures users are well-informed.
  2. Use Clear Language: Avoid technical jargon where possible and use plain language to make the VPAT accessible to a broad audience.
  3. Provide Examples: Where applicable, include examples or screenshots to illustrate how your product meets specific accessibility criteria.
  4. Highlight Strengths and Weaknesses: Clearly highlight both the strengths and weaknesses of your product’s accessibility features. This transparency helps users understand how the product will meet their needs.
  5. Incorporate Feedback: Solicit feedback from users and stakeholders on the VPAT’s clarity and completeness. Use this feedback to make improvements.
  6. Ensure Accessibility of the VPAT Document: Just as your product should be accessible, the VPAT document itself should be accessible. Use accessible formatting and ensure compatibility with screen readers.


Creating an effective VPAT is a vital step in demonstrating your commitment to accessibility. By following these steps and best practices, you can produce a comprehensive and accurate VPAT that meets the needs of your users and complies with relevant standards. This not only helps in adhering to legal and regulatory requirements but also promotes inclusivity and accessibility for all users. With a well-crafted VPAT, your organization can confidently showcase its dedication to providing accessible products and services, paving the way for a more inclusive digital environment.

We Offer Web & Mobile Accessibility Testing

We at ‘Accessible Zone‘ provide web, mobile and software accessibility testing services. We perform testing manually using screen reader such as JAWS, NVDA & Voiceovers. We also provide VPAT and ACR reports. If you want to use our services do contact us as at or you can also schedule a free call with us from here.

What is a VPAT and Why Every Organization Needs One

In today’s increasingly digital world, accessibility is more important than ever. For organizations striving to be inclusive, understanding and implementing web accessibility standards is crucial. One key tool in this effort is the Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT). This article delves into the basics of the VPAT, its purpose, and why every organization aiming for accessibility compliance should consider integrating it into their practices.

Understanding the VPAT

The VPAT, or Voluntary Product Accessibility Template, is a document used by vendors to outline how their products and services conform to various accessibility standards. It is primarily used in the United States but is applicable globally, especially for organizations that need to meet specific accessibility criteria. The VPAT helps organizations assess the accessibility of products before making purchasing decisions and ensures that their own digital properties are compliant with accessibility regulations.

The VPAT is structured to align with several key accessibility standards, including:

  • WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines): A set of guidelines developed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) to ensure web content is accessible to people with disabilities. The WCAG guidelines are crucial for web accessibility and cover aspects such as text alternatives, adaptable layouts, and navigable structures.
  • Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act: A U.S. federal law that requires federal agencies to make their electronic and information technology accessible to people with disabilities. This standard is particularly relevant for government contracts and is often used as a benchmark for broader accessibility compliance.
  • EN 301 549: A European standard that aligns with WCAG and Section 508 but is tailored to meet the accessibility requirements of the European Union.

The VPAT document contains a series of tables where vendors can detail how their products meet the specific criteria outlined in these standards. It includes sections for each standard, providing a space for vendors to indicate compliance levels and any known issues or exceptions.

The Purpose of the VPAT

The primary purpose of the VPAT is to provide transparency about how accessible a product is. This transparency is critical for organizations that need to ensure their technology and digital content meet accessibility standards. Here’s why the VPAT is important:

  1. Facilitates Informed Decision-Making: For organizations looking to purchase or integrate new technologies, the VPAT provides essential information about a product’s accessibility features. This helps procurement teams make informed decisions, ensuring that new tools and systems will be usable by all employees, including those with disabilities.
  2. Supports Compliance Efforts: Many organizations are required by law to meet accessibility standards. The VPAT helps organizations demonstrate their commitment to compliance, particularly when responding to government RFPs (Request for Proposals) or contracts. By providing a detailed account of how a product meets accessibility criteria, the VPAT serves as a key document in proving adherence to regulations like Section 508.
  3. Encourages Vendor Accountability: When vendors provide a VPAT, they are held accountable for the accessibility of their products. This encourages them to prioritize accessibility features and address potential barriers before their products reach the market.
  4. Enhances User Experience: Accessibility is not just about legal compliance; it’s about ensuring that all users have a positive experience. By using the VPAT to choose accessible products, organizations can enhance the usability of their digital environments for all users, including those with disabilities.

Why Every Organization Needs a VPAT

As digital accessibility becomes a priority for organizations worldwide, integrating the VPAT into procurement and compliance processes offers several benefits:

  1. Legal and Regulatory Compliance: As mentioned, adherence to accessibility standards is often a legal requirement. Having a VPAT ensures that organizations can demonstrate their compliance with relevant laws and regulations. This is particularly important for federal agencies and organizations that do business with the government.
  2. Inclusive Practices: Embracing accessibility is a matter of inclusivity and equal opportunity. By using the VPAT to assess and select accessible products, organizations make a commitment to creating an environment where everyone can participate fully. This can also enhance the organization’s reputation as a leader in inclusive practices.
  3. Risk Mitigation: Non-compliance with accessibility standards can lead to legal risks, including lawsuits and fines. A VPAT helps mitigate these risks by providing a clear record of how products meet accessibility requirements. This documentation can be invaluable in defending against claims of non-compliance.
  4. Competitive Advantage: Organizations that prioritize accessibility can gain a competitive edge. By showcasing their commitment through the VPAT, they signal to clients, customers, and partners that they value inclusivity and are dedicated to providing accessible solutions.
  5. Continuous Improvement: The VPAT is not a one-time document but a tool that should be updated regularly. This encourages vendors and organizations to continuously evaluate and improve their accessibility practices, ensuring ongoing compliance and enhancement of user experience.

Best Practices for Using the VPAT

To make the most of the VPAT, organizations should follow these best practices:

  1. Request a VPAT from Vendors: When evaluating new products or services, always request a VPAT from vendors. Review the document carefully to understand the product’s accessibility features and limitations.
  2. Assess Compliance: Use the information in the VPAT to assess how well a product meets your organization’s accessibility needs. Consider how the product aligns with WCAG guidelines and other relevant standards.
  3. Integrate VPATs into Procurement Processes: Make the VPAT a standard part of your procurement process. This ensures that accessibility is considered from the outset and helps in making informed decisions.
  4. Stay Updated: Accessibility standards and guidelines evolve over time. Regularly review and update the VPAT to reflect changes in standards and improvements in accessibility features.
  5. Collaborate with Vendors: Work closely with vendors to address any accessibility issues identified in the VPAT. Collaboration can lead to better outcomes and more accessible products.

In conclusion, the Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT) is an essential tool for organizations committed to accessibility. By providing a clear, detailed account of how products meet accessibility standards, the VPAT supports compliance efforts, promotes inclusivity, and helps organizations make informed decisions. Integrating the VPAT into procurement and accessibility practices not only ensures legal compliance but also enhances the overall user experience, making a positive impact on all stakeholders.

We Offer Web & Mobile Accessibility Testing

We at ‘Accessible Zone‘ provide web, mobile and software accessibility testing services. We perform testing manually using screen reader such as JAWS, NVDA & Voiceovers. We also provide VPAT and ACR reports. If you want to use our services do contact us as at or you can also schedule a free call with us from here.